Rabu, 28 April 2010

the second answer of language testing

The answers of 2nd task!
1. Five kinds of principles of language
1) Practicality is a practical test
• Is not excessively expensive
• Stays within appropriate time constraints
• Is relatively easy to administer, and
• Has a scoring/ evaluation procedure that is specific and time efficient test
2) Reliability
Reliable test is consistent and dependable. The issue of reliability of a test may best be addressed by considering a number of factors that may contribute to the unreliability of a test. Consider following possibilities : fluctuations
• In the students
• In scoring
• In test administration
• In the test it self
3) Validity
Validity is the most important principle. The extent to which the assessment requires students to perform tasks that were included in the previous classroom lessons. The validity of a test established is there is no final, absolute measure of validity, but several different kinds of evidence may be invoked in support: in some case, in other case, still in some other cases, other concerns about a test’s validity
4) Authenticity
In an authentic test
• The language is as natural as possible,
• Items are as contextualized as possible,
• Topics and situations are interesting, enjoyable, and/or humorous
• Some thematic organization, such as through a story line or episode is provided,
• Test represent real-world tasks’
 Reading passages or selected from real-world courses that test-takers are likely to have encountered or will encounter ,
 Listening comprehension section feature natural language with hesitations, and interruptions.
 More and more test over items that are “episodic” in that they are sequenced to form meaningful units, paragraphs, or stories.
5) Wash back
Wash back includes the effect of an assessment on teaching and learning prior to the assessment itself, that is, on preparation for the assessment
• Informal performance assessment is by nature more likely to have build-in Wash back effects because the teacher is usually providing interactive feedback
• Formal tests can also have positive wash back, but they provide no wash back if the student receive a simple letter grade or a single overall numerical score.
• Classroom tests should serve as learning devices through which washback in achieved .
• Student’s incorrect responses can become windows of insight into further work.
• There correct responses need to be praised, especially when they represent accomplishment in a student’s inter language.
• Washback enhances a number of basic principles of language acquisition: intrinsic motivation, autonomy self confidence, language ego, interlanguage, strategic investment among others.
• One way to enhance washback is to comment generously and specifically on test performance.
• Washback implies that students have ready access to the teacher to discuss the feedback and evaluation he has given.
• Teachers can raise the washback potential by asking students to use test results as a guide to setting goals for their future effort

2. a. language aptitude test
• A language aptitude test is designed to measure capacity or general ability to learn a foreign language.
• Task in MALT includes: number learning, phonetics script, spelling clues, word in sentence, and repaired associates.
• There’s no unequivocal evidence that language aptitude test predict communicative success in a language.
• Any test that claims to predict success in learning a language is undoubtedly flawed
b. proficiency test
• A proficiency test is not limited to any one course, curriculum, or single skill in the language; rather, it test overall ability.
• It includes: standardized multiple choice items on grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and aural comprehension.
• Proficiency test are almost always summative and norm-referenced
• They are usually not equipped to provide diagnostic feedback.
• Their role is to accept or to deny someone’s passage into the text stage of a journey
c. placement test
• The ultimate objective of a placement test is to correctly place a student into a course or level.
• A placement test usually includes a sampling of the material to be covered in the various courses in a curriculum.
• In a placement test, a student should find the test material neither too easy nor too difficult but appropriately challenging.
• The English as a second language placement test ( ESLPT ) at san Francisco state at university has three parts, 1: student read a short articles and then write a summary essay. Part 2 : student write a composition in response to an article. Part 3 : multiple choice; students read an essay and identify grammar errors in it.
d. diagnostic test
• A Diagnostic test is designed to diagnose specified aspects of a language.
• A diagnostic test can help a student become aware of errors and encourage the adoption of appropriate compensatory strategies.
• A typical diagnostics test of oral production was created by Clifford Prator ( 1972 ) to accompany manual of English pronunciation
 Test-takers are directed to read 150-word passage while they are tape recorded.
 The test administrator then refers to an inventory of phonological items for analyzing a learner’s production.
 After multiple listening, the administrator produces a checklist for errors in five separate categories.
 Stress and rhythm.
 Intonation.
 Vowels.
 Consonants, and
 Other factors
e. achievements test
• An achievement test is related directly to classroom lesson, units, or even a total curriculum.
• Achievement tests should be limited to particular material addressed in a curriculum within a particular time frame and should be offered after a course has focused on the objective in question.
• The primary role of an achievement test is to determine whether course objectives has been meet – end of a period of instruction .
• Achievement test range from five –or ten-minutes quizzes to three hour final examination, with an almost infinite variety of item types and formats.
• Some practical steps is constructing classroom test:
Assessing Clear; Unambiguous Objective.
Drawing Up Test Specification.

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