Jumat, 09 April 2010

the answer of language testing

1. Teaching is the activities of educating or instructing or teaching : activities that impart knowledge or skill.
2. There are teacher and student
3. My sequence in teaching are:
• Give greeting to student
• Check student list
• Give some question to the student about material but the student do not know that question have connection with the material I will teach
• Give the material
• Ask the student of the materials they understand or not
• Give them home work
• Some time give exercise
• Closing
4. My experience in teaching I felt very nervous, when the first time I thought the student, but It was enjoyed when I passed it.
5. Assessment is the systematic collection of information about student learning, including activities and function that support, such learning both directly and directly, and the use of that information to create and a continuing cycle of improved teaching and learning at the Institutional , program and course levels.
6. Assessment are important because
a. To find out what the student know (knowledge)
b. To find out what the student can do and how well they can do it(skill: performance)
c. To find out how students about the task of doing their work (process)
d. To find out how students feel about their work (motivation: effort)
7. The functions of assessment are
a. Diagnostic: tells us what the student needs to learn
b. Formative: tells us how well the student is doing as work progresses
c. Summative: tells us how well the student did at the end of a unit/task
8. What should asses
a. Student work at all stages of development, but particularly at the end
b. Student process
c. Acquisition of knowledge and skills
d. Development of shophistication and complexity in student work
9. We should asses
a. Day-to-day observation
b. Test and quizzes
c. Rubrics
d. Rating scales
e. Project work
f. Portfolios

10. With the information from our assessment we should do
a. Use it to improve the focus of our teaching (diagnosis)
b. Use it to focus the student attention on strength and weakness (motivation)
c. Use it to improve program planning (program assessment)
d. Use it for reporting to parents.
11. A test according to Allen Philips (1979: 1-2) is commonly defined as a tool or instrument of measurement that is used to obtain data about a specific trait or characteristic of an individual or group
12. The differences between assessment and test
a. Assessment is a process that a more general process of gathering data to evaluate an examine
b. A test is the think or product that measures a particular behavior or set of objectives
13. Types of are:
a. Multiple- choice testy
Ex: teacher assesses students’ mastery of many topics on an hour exam.
b. True-false tests
Ex: the teacher use it add an explain column in which students write one/two sentences justifying their response
c. Matching test
Ex: Teacher formats the question and the students recognition of the relationships between word and definition,
d. Essay test
Ex: teacher gives the essay tests intellectually flawed answers for the students to edit, correct, expand, refute. That ever discussed with students before in class
e. Short –answer test
Ex: teacher asks the students to express their thought in a short answer
f. Problem sets
Ex: teacher asks the students to do the exercise in 8 minutes
g. Oral exam
Ex: teacher ask the students to make conversation and practice it in front of the class
h. Performance tests
Ex: teacher asks the students to performance their assignment/exercise
i. Create-a-game exam
The teacher ask the students to make a game about the lesson that have explained by the teacher
14. My experience of taking a test is I felt nervous, and I didn’t confident with the result

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